Diabetes Watch

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Diabetes, Depression Link Identified in Pregnancy

A study of >11,000 low-income motherswith diabetes who are pregnantor recently gave birth shows that theyhave almost twice the risk of depression,compared with women withoutdiabetes.

To determine whether or not diabetesis a factor in pre- and postpartumdepression, the researchers looked atthis group of women who gave birthbetween 2004 and 2006. Reportingin the February 25, 2009, issue ofthe Journal of the American MedicalAssociation, the researchers foundthat 15.2% of women with the bloodsugar disorder developed depressionduring or after their pregnancy. For thewomen without diabetes, 8.5% developeddepression. In the women whonever experienced depression before,9.6% of those with diabetes developeddepression, compared with 5.9% ofthose without diabetes.

“Health care facilities need to payparticular attention for depression inwomen with diabetes during the postpartumperiod,” said lead study authorKaty Backes Kozhimannil, MPA. “Bothdiabetes and depression in the postpartumperiod are treatable.”

Amputations More Prevalent in Diabetics

A new study on amputations found that patients with diabetesare 8 times more prone to have a lower limb amputated,compared with patients without the disease. The researchersbased the findings on all lower limb amputations performedbecause of clogged arteries in residents of an area in Swedenfrom 1997 to 2006.

Throughout the study, 62 women and 71 men with diabetesand 79 women and 78 men without diabetes had a lowerlimb amputated. The rates of initial one-sided amputationper 100,000 persons per year were 197 for men and 192 forwomen with diabetes, compared with only 24 men and 22women without the disease. Researchers noted that the mostcommon type of amputation was above the foot but below theknee, which accounts for 74% of all lower limb amputations.The study was published in Diabetes Care (February 2009).

Diabetics Can Choose Diet Plans

Diabetes patients can have diets high in either monounsaturatedfatty acids (MUFAs) or carbohydrates as long as the caloriesconsumed are limited, found a study published in DiabetesCare (February 2009). The study involved 124 overweight orobese patients with type 2 diabetes who were assigned eithera diet high in MUFA or one high in carbohydrates for 1 year.

The researchers noted that the diet plans were individualizedto provide 200 to 300 calories per day less than calculateddaily requirements. After a year, 69% for the high-MUFA groupand 84% for the high-carbohydrate group were still participating.The findings indicated an average weight loss of 8.8 lbin the high-MUFA group and 8.4 lb in the high-carbohydrategroup. The researchers also observed similar improvements inbody fat, blood pressure, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol,A1C, and glucose and insulin.

Study Finds Eggs-Diabetes Connection

Individuals who enjoy a daily breakfast of eggs may beincreasing their risk of developing type 2 diabetes, accordingto study findings reported in the February 2009 issue ofDiabetes Care.

The long-term study of 57,000 adults showed that the participantswho ate an egg daily were 59% to 77% more proneto develop diabetes, compared with nonegg-eaters. Leadresearcher Luc Djousse, MD, said it is important for patientsat risk of type 2 diabetes to limit their cholesterol intake, andnot just cholesterol from eggs. He also stressed maintaininga normal weight, exercising regularly, and eating a well-balanceddiet.

Curriculum Targets Specific Patient Population

The National Diabetes Education Program has developed acurriculum, Power to Prevent: A Family Lifestyle Approach toDiabetes Prevention, to help blacks learn how to apply type2 diabetes prevention strategies in their own communities.Statistics indicate that approximately 13% of blacks over age20 have diabetes.

The curriculum includes 12 effective, step-by-step lessonplans to help individuals take control of their eating habits andengage in a more physically active lifestyle. Whereas the curriculumwas developed with this patient population in mind,the information can be used by anyone interested in learningabout type 2 diabetes.

F A S T F A C T: Family history is closely associated with developing diabetes later in life.

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