Ovarian Cancer

The Pharmacy Times® Ovarian Cancer Resource Center is a comprehensive resource for clinical news and expert insights on issues related to the group of diseases that originates in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or the peritoneum.

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Image Credit: © motortion - stock.adobe.com
FDA Approves New Drug Application for Tepylute to Treat Breast, Ovarian Cancer

June 28th 2024

Tepylute is a ready-to-dilute, injectable formula that reduces preparation time and enable dosing accuracy.

Image Credit: © Chinnapong - stock.adobe.com
FDA Grants Fast Track Designation to TUB-040 for Ovarian Cancer

June 28th 2024

Model of uterus -- Image credit: Orawan | stock.adobe.com
FDA Approves Mirvetuximab Soravtansine-Gynx for Patients With Certain Ovarian Cancers

March 22nd 2024

Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis -- Image credit: tashatuvango | stock.adobe.com
FDA Grants Orphan Drug Designation for Avutometinib Alone or With Defactinib in Recurrent LGSOC

March 7th 2024

Encephalitis Can Change How the World Thinks About Complex Neuropsychiatric Disorders

September 26th 2023

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