Women's Health

The Pharmacy Times® Women's Health Resource Center is a comprehensive resource for clinical news and expert insights on issues related to health conditions that affect women, including gynecological health and maternal health.

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Image Credit: © Natee Meepian - stock.adobe.com
Oral Dissolvable Birth Control Pill Receives Approval From the FDA

July 24th 2024

The decision offers patients with difficulty swallowing their medication expanded options for treatment administration.

Flo, a smartphone application to track menstrual cycles -- Image credit: picsmart | stock.adobe.com
Post-Roe, How Safe Are Period-Tracking Smartphone Apps?

July 22nd 2024

health health cvd women's health cardio
Report Shows Substantial Financial Opportunity in Prioritizing Research, Education on Women’s Heart Health

July 13th 2024

Grilled salmon and vegetables -- Image credit: amenic181 | stock.adobe.com
Researchers Create New Model for Fish Consumption in Expectant Mothers

July 8th 2024

Mother holding her newborn baby -- Image credit: Louis-Photo | stock.adobe.com
Babies of Mothers Prescribed GLP-1s Prior to Pregnancy May Have Increased Risk of NICU Stays

July 1st 2024

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