
The Pharmacy Times® Allergy Resource Center is a comprehensive resource for clinical news and expert insights on issues related to conditions that cause the immune system to react abnormally to a foreign substance, including seasonal allergies, food allergies, drug allergies, and contact dermatitis.

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Patient with asthma undergoing allergen skin testing -- Image credit: Microgen |
Study Finds Asthma Severity is Not Associated With Reactivity to Allergen Skin Testing

June 18th 2024

Tree pollen increasing asthma risk -- Image credit: Ingo Bartussek |
Children Exposed to Weed and Tree Pollen in Urban Areas May Experience Increased Risk of Asthma Onset

June 15th 2024

Identifying Food Allergies vs Food Intolerances: Pharmacists Can Play a Critical Role in Education
Identifying Food Allergies vs Food Intolerances: Pharmacists Can Play a Critical Role in Education

April 30th 2024

Woman blowing nose because of spring pollen allergy - Image credit: Budimir Jevtic |
Counsel Patients About Self-Care Measures, OTC Treatments for Seasonal Allergies

April 22nd 2024

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