CSL Limited?s(Parkville, Australia)FDA-approvedseasonalinfluenza vaccineAfluriabrings the numberof flu vaccinemanufacturerslicensed for theUnited States market to 6. The vaccine isindicated to protect adults from influenzatype A and type B flu viruses.
The Centers for Disease Control andPrevention (CDC) estimates that 132million doses of the influenza vaccineare available for the 2007-2008 flu season.The US flu season can begin asearly as October and can last as late asMay. Every year in the United States,>200,000 individuals are hospitalizedwith influenza, and about 36,000 individualsdie from its complications, accordingto the CDC.
?Routine immunization is the mosteffective way to prevent influenza anddecrease influenza-related complicationswhich can include serious illnessand death,? explained Jesse L. Goodman,MD, MPH, director of the FDA?sCenter for Biologics Evaluation andResearch. ?The licensure of this additionalmanufacturer contributes to havingan adequate supply of seasonalinfluenza vaccine for Americans, one ofthe FDA?s highest priorities.?