can you READ these Rxs?

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Registered Pharmacist Charlene Smalls, ofNorth Shore University Hospital in Manhasset,NY, usually does not have a problem translatingprescriptions. This prescription, however,stumped her. She called the prescribing physician?soffice to verify it. The hospital pharmacystaff could not believe the physician?s answer,given that it did not even remotely resemblewhat the physician had scribbled on the Rx.Does your answer match what the physicianordered?

When this prescription was brought intoWalgreens #4122 in New Albany, Ind, pharmacytechnician Dana Fanning did not have a problemwith the drug name. Yet, neither Fanning norSarah Galloway, PharmD, could figure out thedirections. Dr. Galloway made a guess on thedirections and Fanning made a guess on thequantity. Because it was a Sunday, they had towait until Monday to find out what was prescribedby the physician. It turned out thatboth were correct in their deciphering ofthe directions and quantity. Can youunscramble this prescription?


Rx 1: Prilosec 20 mg, #180, 1 capsule 2 times a day.

Rx 2: Indocin SR 75 mg, #15, 1 tablet po q 12 hours prn for headache.

Have eye-straining, baffling prescriptions? Send them to Pharmacy Times.Along with a clean photocopy of the prescription itself, your submission must include: (1) the name of your institution and its location; (2)your name and title (PharmD, RPh, Pharm Tech); (3) the correct name of the drug(s), strength, and dosing requirements; and (4) your telephonenumber. Please mail your submissions to: Can You Read These Rxs?, Pharmacy Times, 103 College Road East, Princeton, NJ 08540.

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