Joseph L Fink III, BSPharm, JD, wasrecently included in a list of 25 facultymembers who have been "movers andshapers" of the University of Kentucky(UK) over the past 25 years. The listincluded faculty members from a varietyof disciplines who were, or continue tobe, influential and visionary in moving the university forwardacademically and enhancing its reputation nationallyand internationally.
Dr. Fink is a professor of pharmacy law and policy in theUK College of Pharmacy. In addition, he has facultyappointments as professor of health administration in theMartin School of Public Policy and Administration at UKand as professor of health services management in the UKCollege of Public Health. Dr. Fink also writes the PharmacyTimes Pharmacy Law column (see page 72 for this month'sarticle).
The profile of Dr. Fink in the compilation reads, "Professorof Pharmacy Joseph Fink has served in more than half adozen important administrative roles in his 25-year careerat UK, including director of ASTeCC, the university's firstbusiness incubator. His scholarly work includes nearly 300publications in the field of law pertaining to pharmacy, andhe has twice received UK's Great Teacher Award."
The list of honorees was compiled from suggestionssubmitted by the current college dean and others.