Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Pharmacy Times Editor-in-Chief Fred M. Eckel, RPh,MS, was recognizedas a distinguished practitioner-member of the NationalAcademies of Practice (NAP).

?I feel honored by this recognition. I was not familiar with NAPuntil I received my letter of nomination,? said Eckel. ?To be offeredinduction into such a distinguished group is an honor I don?t feel Ideserve but am pleased to accept.?

He was installed at a gala membership banquet November 3 inwhich NAP inducted new members from 10 health care professions.NAP was founded in 1981 in recognition of the need for interdisciplinary collaborationin health care. It is comprised of distinguished practitioners and scholars of theprimary health professions, now including 10 disciplines.

Eckel is professor and director of the Office of Practice Development and Educationat the School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Turn to page 16for Eckel?s Editor?s Note.

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