Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Medication therapy management (MTM)should include an annual comprehensivemedication therapy review conductedduring a face-to-face visit with a pharmacist,according to a new set of "core elements"for MTM. These core elementswere developed by representatives fromthe American Pharmacists Association(APhA) and the National Association ofChain Drug Stores (NACDS).

"A face-to-face interaction optimizesthe pharmacist's ability to observe signsof and visual cues to the patient's healthproblems and can enhance the patient?pharmacist relationship," the proposednew APhA/NACDS document explained.

In calling for face-to-face MTM services,the 2 groups concluded that "thepharmacist's observations can result inearly detection of medication-relatedproblems andthus have thepotential to reduceinappropriatemedicationuse...and hospitalizations."The core elements acknowledge that alternativemethods of providing MTM services,such as "telephonic contact," may benecessary for "homebound patients."

"Irrespective of whether the MTMservice is provided by the pharmacist tothe patient face-to-face or by alternativemeans, the service is intended to supportthe establishment and maintenanceof the patient?pharmacist relationshipand focus on optimizing medication therapyand improving patient outcomes,"the proposal concludes.

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