Ms. Sax is a freelance writer based in Chevy Chase, Md.
Brianne Dunn, this month's RESPy Award winner,received the recognition thanks to her selfless dedicationto community service. In her fourth year at theMedical University of South Carolina's (MUSC) College ofPharmacy, Dunn is known as a tireless volunteer. "Among herpeers within the college, she ranks in the highest percentile forvolunteer service," said Arnold Karig, PhD, campus dean of theMUSC College of Pharmacy.
Dunn has been an active participant in many communityservice activities. One significant experience was her 2-weekservice on a medical mission to Oradea, Romania, when shewas a third-year pharmacy student. "The majority of volunteerswere physicians and nurses, but I was 1 of 2 pharmacy studentswho went to set up a makeshift pharmacy as part of a travelingclinic," said Dunn. She found the experience eye-opening."When the people heard the American doctors were coming,they spent hours getting to the clinic to be seen."
Dunn also has served as the volunteer coordinator of theHarvest Free Medical Clinic, a volunteer clinic staffed with firsttofourth-year students who donate several hours of their time1 night a week to see underprivileged patients in the area.
Medical University of South Carolina
The South Carolina College of Pharmacy (SCCP) was formed in2004 through the integration of the colleges of pharmacy at theUniversity of South Carolina (USC) in Columbia and the MedicalUniversity of South Carolina (MUSC). The integrated college combinesthe nationally recognized faculty, staff, and resources of amajor academic medical center and a large comprehensive universityto create a state-wide approach to pharmacy education.
The combined college is prepared to provide its students withstate-of-the-art education, along with opportunities found nowhereelse in the country. The SCCP offers expanded pharmacy educationand service throughout the state, provides national leadership in residencyprograms, and conducts pioneering research that leads tonew and improved treatments for common diseases. The full 4-yearPharmD program is offered to pharmacy students on both the USCand MUSC campuses.
Working with student government also is something thatDunn is passionate about. "At MUSC, as vice president of theMUSC Student Government Association, Brie represents theCollege of Pharmacy on many committees to bring awarenessabout the pharmacy profession to student health professionalsfrom nursing, medicine, dentistry, and health professions," saidDr. Karig.
Dunn also excels scholastically. After graduating with a degreein chemistry and working for 2 years at a lab at a chemical companycalled Milliken, Dunn decided topursue a career in pharmacy. Shesaid that she has enjoyed every rotationand is leaning toward completinga residency. "I just finished communitypharmacy and really enjoyedthe patient counselingaspect of that rotation," she said.
Dr. Karig said that Dunn hasdemonstrated a high level ofeffort to advance the pharmacyprofession through her academicaccomplishments. Shewas selected by the faculty at MUSC as a 2006-2007 MUSCPresidential Scholar.
"The Presidential Scholars are an interdisciplinary studentgroup made up of representatives from the MUSC Colleges ofMedicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, Dentistry, Health Professions, andGraduate Studies," said Dr. Karig. "Working under the guidanceof faculty advisors, the Presidential Scholars spend a year ofintensive study on a chosen health care issue, such as healthdisparities."
The experience has helped shape Dunn's view that it is veryimportant for pharmacists to work closely with other healthcare professionals as an interdisciplinary team. "The field ofpharmacy is constantly changing, and in order to best serve ourpatients, we need to have a good relationship with other disciplines."
While Dunn is not yet sure what direction her career will take,she is excited about the opportunities available. "I want to continueto be a voice for the profession," she said. "I have hadgreat mentors and I am very appreciative, so I definitely want tobecome a mentor for upcoming students and pass that experiencealong."