Marketed by:
Sandoz Inc (Princeton, NJ)
Compared to:
Augmentin ES-600 (GlaxoSmithKline)
October 1, 2007—Sandoz Inc introduced an extensionof its line of amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium fororal suspension. This newest addition is being marketedin 600-mg/42.9-mg-per-5-mL strength. In addition,the company markets amoxicillin and clavulanatepotassium in tablets and in chewable tablets.Amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium is used to treatbacterial infections.
Dosage Form:
Oral suspension: 600 mg/42.9 mg per 5 mL,200 mg/28.5 mg per 5 mL, and 400 mg/57 mg per5 mL; Tablets: 250 mg/125 mg, 500 mg/125 mg, and875 mg/125 mg; Chewable tablets: 200 mg/28.5 mgand 400 mg/57 mg
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Marketed by:
Teva Pharmaceuticals (North Wales, Pa)
Compared to:
Penlac Nail Lacquer (Aventis Pharmaceuticals Inc)
September 19, 2007—Teva Pharmaceuticalsannounced the introduction and availability ofCiclopirox Topical Solution, 8% (Nail Lacquer). As acomponent of a comprehensive management program,this product is indicated as topical treatment inimmunocompetent patients with mild-to-moderateonychomycosis of the fingernails and toenails withoutlunula involvement, due to Trichophyton rubrum. Thecomprehensive management program also includesremoval of the unattached, infected nails as frequentlyas monthly by a health care professional who hasspecial competence in the diagnosis and treatment ofnail disorders, including minor nail procedures.
Dosage Form:
6.6-mL glass bottles
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Marketed by:
Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals Inc (Jacksonville, Fla)
Compared to:
Vicodin ES Tablets (Abbott Laboratories); Norco Tablets (Watson Pharmaceuticals Inc); Lortab Tablets (UCB Inc)
August 20, 2007—Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals Inc, awholly owned subsidiary of Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd(RLL), announced that RLL received FDA approval tomanufacture and market Hydrocodone Bitartrate andAcetaminophen Tablets USP, 7.5-mg/750-mg, 10-mg/500-mg, 5-mg/500-mg, and 10-mg/325-mgstrengths. The Office of Generic Drugs, US FDA, hasdetermined the Ranbaxy formulations to be bioequivalentand to have the same therapeutic effect as thatof the reference listed drugs as follows: 10-mg/325-mg Norco Tablets from Watson Pharmaceuticals Inc;5-mg/500-mg Vicodin Tablets and 7.5-mg/750-mgVicodin ES Tablets, both from Abbott Laboratories; and10-mg/500-mg Lortab Tablets from UCB Inc. Thesetablets are indicated for the relief of moderate-tomoderatelysevere pain.
Dosage Form:
Tablets: 7.5 mg/750 mg, 10 mg/500 mg, 5 mg/500 mg,and 10 mg/325 mg
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Marketed by:
Teva Pharmaceuticals (North Wales, Pa)
Compared to:
Accupril Tablets (Warner-Lambert Co)
October 3, 2007—Teva Pharmaceuticals announcedthe introduction and availability of Quinapril TabletsUSP. They are indicated for the treatment of hypertensionand may be used alone or in combination withthiazide diuretics. Black patients receivingangiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitormonotherapy have been reported to have a higherincidence of angioedema, compared with nonblacks.It also should be noted that, in controlled clinical trials,ACE inhibitors have an effect on blood pressure thatis less in black patients than in nonblacks.
Dosage Form:
Tablets: 5, 10, 20, and 40 mg
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