
Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Iatrogen (Herndon, Va) recently launchedRxWise, a personalized, adverse drug reaction(ADR) risk-assessment system contained on aportable USB Flash Drive or accessible throughthe Internet. RxWise evaluates the potential riskfor an ADR by analyzing patients' self-reportedor insurance claims-based medical informationand verifying it against medications they arealready taking. Using sophisticated risk-assessmentsoftware, RxWise provides important, personalizedinformation about medications thatmay cause adverse reactions. The product coversa wide range of prescription and OTC drugs,as well as herbal remedies. With pull-down windows,patients can easily record medical informationto create a history of specific drugsbeing taken, known medical conditions, anddrug allergies. After the information is enteredinto RxWise, a summary of relevant advisoriesregarding potential risks is displayed immediately.Patients have the ability to easily forwardthe advisory via e-mail to their pharmacist orphysician. The portable RxWise USB Flash Driveretails for $39.95, and the RxWise Internet versionretails for $24. For more information, visitwww.rxwise.com, or call 800-RxWise4 (800-799-4734).

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