Program Urges Patients to Follow "the 3R's"

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

The National Council on PatientInformation and Education (NCPIE)kicked off its 20th national "TalkAbout Prescriptions" Month with thelaunch of the "3R's for Safe MedicineUse" program. The program aims tolower medication misuse by patients.The 3R's for Safe Medication Use are asfollows:

  • Risk—patients should recognizethat all prescription and OTCmedicines have risks as well asbenefits; they should weigh theserisks and benefits carefully forevery medicine being taken
  • Respect—patients should appreciatethe power of their medicineand the value of medicines whenused properly
  • Responsibility—patients shouldassume the duty of learning abouthow to take each medication safely

"Too many times, people misusemedications, either by not followingproper use instructions or not takingthem as directed by their physician,nurse practitioner, or physician assistant.This misuse often leads to otherhealth problems," commented PhillipSchneider, NCPIE chairman.

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