Ashley Gallagher is an editor at Pharmacy Times®. She graduated from St. Bonaventure University in 2020 in journalism and mass communications. Previously, she worked as a pharmacy technician for a retail chain.
Epilepsy Brain Implant Does Not Change Individuals’ Personalities
Study results show that these personalized treatments adjust based on cerebral function through electric pulses.
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Blood Test Identifies Subgroup of Individuals With iMCD Who Will Respond to Treatment
Investigators find a precision medicine that can identify those with the rare disorder who may benefit from FDA-approved siltuximab.
Anti-Viral Agents Can Eradicate COVID-19 With B-Cell Recovery, Study Results Show
Convalescent plasma, IVIG, and remdesivir have successfully helped immunocompromised patients recover from the virus.
Decarceration Could Lead to Decrease of Outbreaks
The results of a new study show that stopping jailing individuals may be linked to benefits to community-wide and global public health.
Where Someone Lives May Impact Longevity of Life
New evidence shows that moving to urban areas in the Midwest or either coast could increase the longevity of an individual’s life.
Study Results Show COVID-19 Linked to Decline in Kidney Function
Research shows that individuals who had either a severe or mild case of the virus had an increased risk of kidney damage and disease.
Study: Lack of Green, Blue Spaces in Urban Communities Negatively Impacts Quality of Life for Those With COPD
Study shows the benefit of green and blue spaces for individuals with COPD living in urban communities.
Cocoa Supplements, Green Tea Extract Seen Improving Survival Rate of Mice
The results of a recent Aging-US study show that these additives provide anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective glial subpopulation benefits.
Moderna Submits to FDA Initial Data for COVID-19 Booster Shot, Showing Efficacy Against All COVID-19 Variants
Following a phase 2 study, Moderna submitted initial data to the FDA for the approval of its COVID-19 booster shot that would be administered 6 months after an individual’s second dose.
Probiotic Use May Decrease C. difficile Infection
A study found individuals receiving probiotics had a decrease in C. difficile diagnosed in stool samples than those who did not receive probiotics.
Study Results Link Antibiotics to Increased Colon Cancer Risk
Umeā University in Sweden finds a connection between the two, due to the intestinal micobiome.
FDA Approves Zanubritinib for the Treatment of Waldenström’s Macroglobulinemia
The FDA has approved a second drug, zanubritinib, for the treatment of adult patients with Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia.
Study: Single Individuals Living in Rural Areas With Heart Disease Face More Hopelessness
Published results indicate that marriage, urban living put people less at risk for cardiovascular problems.
Lantern Pharma’s LP-184 for Glioblastoma Multiforme Gets Orphan Drug Designation
FDA’s green light for biopharmaceutical company’s drug candidate builds upon previous approval to treat pancreatic cancer.
MMR and Tdap Vaccines May Protect Against Severe COVID-19
Brigham and Women’s Hospital conducted an analysis to measure the response of T cells from MMR and Tdap vaccines that could help to decrease COVID-19 severity.
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Calls for More HPV Vaccinations
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital reminds parents about the importance of getting the HPV vaccination during National Immunization Awareness Month.
Low Iron Levels Affect Half of Pregnant Women, Study Results Show
New paper shows that pregnant women often have low iron levels, while 1 in 4 have a severe deficiency.
SK, GlaxoSmithKline Announce Phase 3 Study for COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate
Pharmaceutical companies continue trial for GBP510 in conjunction with GSK’s pandemic adjuvant.