Can You Read These Rxs? (June 2016)

Pharmacy TimesJune 2016 Women's Health
Volume 82
Issue 6

Can you you figure out what these prescriptions say?

Rx 1

Pharmacist Michelle Kwan and Pharmacy Technician Jeannie at Shoppers Pharmacy in Franconia, Virginia, couldn’t read most of this prescription.

Can you read it?

Rx 2Pharmacist Sara Malek at CVS Pharmacy in Dearborn, Michigan, was baffled by this prescription.Do you know what it says?


Rx 1: Tropicamide 1% eye ophthalmic solution #5 ml; one drop in the right eye on the morning of surgery

Rx 2: Qvar 2 puffs twice daily × 4 wks; Ventolin MDI 2 puffs q 6 hrs as needed × 4 wks; Tylenol 500 mg q 6 hrs × 10 days; Z pak 2 tabs day 1, then 1 tab daily × 4 days

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Receive $50 Per Published Submission!

Send in your eye-straining, baffling prescriptions—now via e-mail and fax as well as regular mail! Submissions must include a clean photocopy or scanned image of the Rx; your institution’s name and location; your name and title; the correct name of the drug(s), strength, and dosing requirements; and your phone number. You can e-mail scanned Rxs to; fax them to 609-257-0701; or mail them to Can You Read These Rxs?, Pharmacy Times, 666 Plainsboro Road, Suite 300, Plainsboro, NJ 08536.

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