Pharmacy Technology Products

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Pill PhoneReminds Patientsto Take Meds

VOCEL's (San Diego, CA)Pill Phone is a patentedhealth care tool for medicationmanagement that hasbeen approved by the FDA.The phone enables wirelesscustomers to personalizeand schedule audioand visual alerts remindingthem to take their prescribedmedications at theright time. The Pill Phonealso includes content fromThe Pill Book, a guide to>1800 commonly prescribed and OTCdrugs. Individuals can easily accesscritical information on indications, dosing,side effects, drug interactions, andview images to identify specific pills.The innovative tool is useful for adultsand children who are taking multiplemedications for chronic conditions. Withthe Pill Phone, users download the applicationto their mobile phones. Usingtheir phone number and personal identificationnumber, individuals can safelyset up their accounts and access theirmedication information on a secure Website. Responses to dosing reminders arerecorded in a medication administrationrecord that can be viewed online bysubscribers or designated caregivers tomonitor adherence to dosing regimens.An optional feature notifies parents orcaregivers if the patient fails to respond toa medication reminder. Parents or caregiverscan receive an e-mail or text messageif the patient misses a dose or does notrespond to a reminder. For more information,visit

MethCheck Rx Keeps Pharmacies Compliant

Appriss Inc's (Louisville, KY) MethCheckRx provides a single point of contactfor managing compliance, while trackingpseudoephedrine (PSE) purchase limits,box limits, pill counts, and acceptableforms of identification. The solutioncommunicates with state electronicPSE repositories, allowing pharmaciesto stay compliant without maintainingmultiple interfaces. Pharmacies canenter transactions into MethCheck Rx3 ways. The Web portal option attachesa small scanner to a computer withInternet access. All transaction informationis electronic. Scanning of theCombat Methamphetamine EpidemicAct (CMEA)-signature slip makes theWeb option CMEA compliant. The standaloneMethCheck Rx machine scansUPCs, captures purchaser informationfrom driver's license 2D, 1D, or magneticstrips. This option only requires a phoneline or network cable. MethCheck Rxalso can integrate with a pharmacy'spoint-of-sale (POS) system. Using Webservices, MethCheck Rx can pass informationback and forth with a POS realtime to integrate into a cashier's or pharmacytechnician's normal workflow. Formore information, visit, or call 866-277-7477.

AU MEDS Improves Patient Safety

MedAccuracy LLC's (Lenexa, KS) AUMEDS is an observation-based medicationerror detection system (MEDS) availableto hospitals, skilled nursing facilities,and other inpatient health care institutions.The system empowers hospitalsto identify, measure, and determine previouslyundetected medication administrationerrors; analyze "clue to cause"of errors; evaluate the effectiveness oferror prevention strategies and technologies;and enhance the culture of safetywith the collaboration between pharmacyand nursing. AU MEDS has 3 primarycomponents: (1) a special trainingprogram that assists hospital employeesin detection and classification errors; (2)proprietary software for data analysis;and (3) ongoing quality control supportservices as designed and implementedby Auburn University. For more information,visit

D60PCV Provides Dual Functionality for Pharmacies

Pharmacy Automation Systems Inc's(Largo, FL) D60PCV is a patented systemthat dispenses to both vials and punchcards. It can automate a pharmacy's prescriptionsto vials and give them punchcard filling automation from the samesystem. The D60PCV system will dispensepills to vials at an approximate rateof 240 a minute, or can fill two 31-daypunch cards a minute. The machine alsodispenses up to 60 different dry medications.The D60PCV accommodates multicanisterdispenses, which allows a pharmacyto have the same National DrugCode (NDC) in more than one canister.The system will go to the next canisterhousing the same NDC when a canisteris empty and complete the script.The D60PCV also can be replenished inthe middle of the script filling process.With its small footprint, the automationsystem features touch screen technologyand functions as a stand-alone unitonly requiring the pharmacy software'sspecific bar-coded prescription label. Formore information, visit, or call 800-448-8768.

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