

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Health System Product News

Treanda (bendamustinehydrochloride) for Injection

Cephalon Inc (Frazer, PA) recentlyreceived FDA approval for Treanda forthe treatment of patients with indolentB-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL)that has progressed during or within6 months of treatment with rituximabor a rituximab-containing regimen.Treanda has a convenient dosingschedule as a treatment for indolentNHL. An intravenous infusion takes 60minutes and can be administered in anoutpatient setting, reducing the timeit takes for patients to be treated. Therecommended dose for indolent NHL is120 mg/m2 administered on days 1 and2 of a 21-day cycle, for up to 8 cycles.The product also is indicated for thetreatment of patients with chronic lymphocyticleukemia, a slowly progressingblood and bone marrow disease.For more information, call 800-896-5855, or visit

Cardene I.V. (nicardipinehydrochloride)

EKR Therapeutics Inc (Bedminster,NJ) recently received FDA approvalfor double concentration of CardeneI.V. premixed injection. These patented200-mL ready-to-use intravenous (IV)bags contain 40 mg of the calciumchannel blocker nicardipine hydrochloride(0.2 mg/mL) in either dextrose orsodium chloride. In August 2008, theFDA approved a single concentrationof Cardene I.V. ready-to-use IV bags.The single concentration consists of200-mL premixed bags containing 20mg of nicardipine hydrochloride (0.1mg/mL) in either dextrose or sodiumchloride. The product is indicated forthe short-term treatment of hypertensionwhen oral therapy is not feasible ordesirable. Cardene I.V. dosage must beindividualized depending on the severityof hypertension and the responseof the patient during dosing. Bloodpressure should be monitored bothduring and after the infusion. For moreinformation, visit,or call 877-207-5802.

DoseTrac Infusion Management Software

B. Braun Medical Inc (Bethlehem, PA)recently launched DoseTrac InfusionManagement Software with InboundAdmission, Discharge, and Transfer(ADT) Interface capabilities. The ADTInterface capability makes connectivityeasier and less expensive. It is oneof a series of connectivity programsthe company expects to introduce forDoseTrac to support better communicationamong clinical, administrative,and ancillary applications. DoseTracwith ADT Interface receives real-timenotification of patient arrivals, movements,and departures to help improvethe efficiency of the services providedby clinicians. In-depth patient informationand locations are received andposted in real time to specific views andreports within DoseTrac to help healthcare professionals better interpret andmake use of infusion information. Formore information, call 800-227-2862, orvisit

Rocuronium Bromide Injection

Teva Pharmaceuticals (North Wales,PA) recently received FDA approvalfor Rocuronium Bromide Injection.The product is AP-rated to OrganonUSA Inc's Zemuron. The product is anondepolarizing neuromuscular blockingagent indicated as an adjunct togeneral anesthesia to facilitate bothrapid sequence and routine trachealintubation and to provide skeletalmuscle relaxation during surgery ormechanical ventilation. RocuroniumBromide Injection is for intravenoususe only. The product should only beadministered by experienced cliniciansor trained individuals supervised byan experienced clinician familiar withuse, actions, characteristics, and complicationsof neuromuscular blockingagents. Doses of Rocuronium BromideInjection should be individualized, anda peripheral nerve stimulator shouldbe used to monitor drug effect, needfor additional doses, adequacy of spontaneousrecovery or antagonism, andto decrease the complications of overdosageif additional doses are administered.The product is available inmultiple-dose glass vials of 5 mL, containing50 mg Rocuronium Bromide (10mg/mL), and 10 mL containing 100 mgRocuronium Bromide (10 mg/mL). Formore information, call 888-TEVA USA(888-838-2872), or visit

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