OTC Product Profile: Omron 1500PRO

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

The Omron 1500PRO Ultra Premium Blood Pressure Monitor offers patients an accurate way to monitor their blood pressure at home.

Dr. Holmberg is the pharmacy coordinator at Desert Vista Behavioral Health Center in Mesa, Arizona.

The Omron 1500PRO Ultra PremiumBlood Pressure Monitoroffers an easy and accurate wayfor patients to monitor their blood pressure(BP) at home. Hypertension isfrequently called the "silent killer" asit often presents without symptoms.When uncontrolled, hypertension maylead to organ and blood vessel damage,especially in the kidneys and heart. Onein 3 American adults is estimated tohave hypertension.1

The Seventh Report of the JointNational Committee on Prevention,Detection, Evaluation, and Treatmentof High Blood Pressure defines hypertensionas BP of ≥140/90 mm Hg(130/80 mm Hg for patients with diabetes).Treatment with antihypertensivemedications has been associated witha decrease in the incidence of complicationsfrom hypertension, such asstroke, myocardial infarction, and heartfailure. Prehypertension is defined assystolic BP between 120 and 139 mmHg or diastolic BP between 80 and 89mm Hg. Patients who are identified ashaving prehypertension require lifestylemodifications to prevent cardiovascularcomplications.2

Time of day may influence BP controlgoals and the potential for hypertension-relatedmorbidity. Patients experiencingmorning hypertension—a weekly averageBP reading of over 135/85 mm Hgwithin 1 to 2 hours of waking up in themorning—may be at an increased riskfor stroke, organ damage, and othercardiovascular events. Identifying morninghypertension may be challenging, asoften the rise in BP may have subsidedby the time the patient presents to theirmedical provider. Home monitoring canhelp to track early-morning trends, thusrecognizing morning hypertension andoptimizing its treatment.3

The Omron 1500PRO Ultra Premium Blood Pressure Monitor

The Omron 1500PRO Ultra PremiumBlood Pressure Monitor is promoted forits ease of use. It has a no-wrap automaticcuff that fits both regular and largearms that range from 9 to 17 inches incircumference. The no-wrap cuff offersquick and easy arm placement for thepatient, and the monitor uses one-touchoperation with a large digital display.

In addition to its straightforwarddesign, the Omron 1500PRO offers additionaltechnology to help patientsmonitor their cardiovascular health. Themonitor uses Intellisense technology tomaintain the proper amount of tensionto ensure fast, accurate, and comfortablereadings. The monitor can averageup to 3 readings that are taken within10 minutes of each other. In addition toroutine BP monitoring, the 1500PRO candetect morning hypertension and irregularitiesin the heartbeat. The monitorcan store memory settings for 2 users,up to a total of 200 measurements.

The Omron 1500PRO includes an ACadapter, CD-ROM, USB cable, instructionmanual, quick guide, softwareinstallation guide, and warranty card.The product carries a 5-year warranty.4

Home BP Monitoring: Technique Is Important

In order to obtain an accurate home BPreading, it is important that the patientfollows proper technique. The AmericanHeart Association recommends the following:

  • Choose a cuff that fits properlyaround the upper arm.
  • Avoid nicotine, caffeine, or exercisefor 30 minutes prior to the BP reading.
  • Sit with a straight and supportedback and keep both feet flat on thefloor.
  • Place the middle of the cuff directlyover the brachial artery; the armshould be at the same level as theheart and rested on a flat surface,such as a table or countertop.
  • Take 2 or 3 consecutive readings,each a minute apart, and recordeach value.

Obtain readings at consistent timesthroughout the day as directed by ahealth care professional. For example,some professionals may wish to seemorning and evening readings to assessBP control throughout the day.5


  • What is high blood pressure? National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Web site. www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/dci/Diseases/Hbp/HBP_WhatIs.html. Accessed August 2008.
  • JNC 7 Express The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Web site. www.nhlbi.nih.gov/guidelines/hypertension/express.pdf. Accessed August 2008.
  • What is morning hypertension and how do I know I have it? Omron Web site. www.omronhealthcare.com/article/detail.asp?c=238. Accessed August 2008.
  • Omron 1500PRO Ultra Premium Blood Pressure Monitor Product Information.
  • Home monitoring of high blood pressure. American Heart Association Web site. www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=576. Accessed August 2008.

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