

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Pharmacy Security Combo Pack Now Available

The National Community PharmacistsAssociation (NCPA) has partneredwith PRS Pharmacy Services to helpcommunity pharmacists prepare for theApril 20, 2005, implementation of theHealth Insurance Portability andAccountability Act (HIPAA) SecurityRule. This rule involves the security andprotection of electronic public healthinformation. The organizations havedeveloped the HIPAA Security ComboPack #1, which includes the NCPAHIPAA Security Handbook and the PRSSecurity Compliance Program CD.

Tailored for community pharmacy,the NCPA HIPAA Security Handbook featuresinformation about required contingencyplans in case of disasters,company risk assessment and management,and technical requirements forelectronic systems. The PRS SecurityCompliance Program CD contains allthe Security Rule Policies and Proceduresthat a community pharmacistneeds to know in order to comply withthis rule, in an easy-to-use and customizedformat. In addition, the CDprovides step-by-step instructions onhow to become compliant in thefastest time possible and includes aprewritten customizable Risk Analysisand Contingency Plan.

The cost of the Combo Pack #1 is$422. To purchase the pack, call 800-544-7447, or visit the NCPA Web siteat

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