

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Expo Focuses on Caregiver Needs

The Family Caregiver Expo is thefirst caregiver exposition created tomeet the needs of those who take careof a family member or other lovedones, as well as underscoring theimportance of family health and well-being.It is estimated that more than50 million people a year provide carefor a chronically ill, disabled, or agedfamily member or friend. Oftentimes,a majority of the caregivers underestimatethe period of time they will becaring for their family members,according to the National Family CaregiverAssociation.

During the expo, there will bedemonstrations and health screeningsfor attendees to learn how to be helpfulcaregivers. Attendees also willreceive information on caregiver supportgroups, as well as new developmentsin the caregiver field.

"There is an immediate and criticalneed to provide education and forumsfor the senior population and the peoplewho care for them,"said CraigFuller, president and chief executiveofficer of the National Association ofChain Drug Stores. The associationwas one of the expo creators. "Withthe creation of this first-ever caregiverexpo, attendees will have the chanceto speak with legal counsel, hospicecare, nursing homes, pharmacists, andadditional health care advisors abouttheir specific family or health careneeds,"Fuller said.

The Family Caregiver Expo will beheld May 13-14, 2005, at the WashingtonConvention Center in Washington,DC. The event is free for attendees.

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