

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Researchers Uncover OA Marker

A study, reported in Arthritis & Rheumatism (January 2005), identified a possiblebiomarker to predict osteoarthritis (OA). For the study, the researchers took bloodsamples from 753 Caucasian and African American men and women. The researchersdiscovered a strong link between high levels of hyaluronic acid and severe knee andhip arthritis. Hyaluronic acid is defined as a component of connective tissue that iswidely distributed throughout the body and plays a major role in joint function.

The results of the study showed that hyaluronic acid levels were higher in individualswith more severe OA and with OA in >1 joint. The study, however, did not find anyindependent connections between high hyaluronic acid and other health problemsseen in the OA patients (eg, hypertension, diabetes, and cancer).

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