It's true that, "Inch by inch, life's a cinch. Yard by yard, life's hard."
Fortune recently published an interesting story that focused on an issue I have struggled with throughout most of my professional career.
The article, entitled "Think Big or Start Small," was actually a review of 6 different management books, half of which focused on big thinking and the other half on small steps.
The author suggested that experts disagree on the best ways to achieve goals. In my career, I often heard about the need to make big plans, but I usually found myself achieving only small steps.
My take on this issue is that you make progress when you make big plans, but you achieve those goals with small steps. And since you make progress in small steps, you need a big goal to keep you focused on accomplishing great things.
It's true that, “Inch by inch, life's a cinch. Yard by yard, life's hard." This old adage has helped me think about the issue of thinking big or starting small.
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