
Rite Aid Foundation's Kidcents Program Makes Giving Personal


Rite Aid Foundation to Award More than $2 Million in Grants to Inaugural Class of 204 KidCents Charities

Camp Hill, Pa. (Sept.15, 2014) - The Rite Aid Foundation is taking charitable giving to the next level by letting customers choose the charity they want to support through 204 approved KidCents charities on

Marking the occasion, Rite Aid associates across the country will present $10,000 checks to each of the 204 inaugural KidCents charities, totaling over $2 million in donations, starting today and continuing through the week. This initial group of KidCents charities was selected by Rite Aid associates across the country and is representative of all the communities the company serves.

Rite Aid President and Chief Operating Officer Ken Martindale, who also serves as president of The Rite Aid Foundation, along with Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Michael Wolf, will help launch the nationwide celebrations by presenting two local nonprofit organizations, Leg Up Farm of Mt. Wolf and Family Support of Central Pennsylvania in Harrisburg, each with $10,000. The presentation will take place today at 9 a.m. at the Rite Aid pharmacy located at 1137 Market Street in Lemoyne, Pa., near the company's Camp Hill corporate headquarters. The Foundation will provide a total of $250,000 to Pennsylvania nonprofit children's charities during the course of the week.

"We know our customers share our passion when it comes to giving back to the community, and that's why we created KidCents," said Martindale. "By shopping at Rite Aid and rounding up their purchases, our customers can easily make a meaningful difference in the lives of kids right in their own community. And our initial group of charities is just the beginning, as we hope that customers who are already involved with an organization that supports children's health and wellbeing will encourage that charity to apply to join KidCents, taking our program to a whole new level, helping even more kids."

To participate, Rite Aid customers can sign into their and review the profiles of approved KidCents charities they can choose to support. Each charity profile features information about the organization and the services it provides as well as stories of those helped by the organization. Once a charity is selected, the next time the customer shops at Rite Aid, their purchase will be rounded up to the nearest dollar and their change will be designated to their selected charity.

"As a public health official and as a father, I know how valuable it is for our children and young people to receive the resources they need to have the highest quality of life and health possible," said Wolf. "KidCents provides an opportunity for people to make small contributions that can create lifelong impacts to the communities they serve."

Nonprofit organizations interested in participating in The Rite Aid Foundation's KidCents< to submit an application. To be eligible, an organization must be classified as exempt from federal tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code and meet the KidCents program guidelines. Once approved, KidCents charities are also eligible to earn a "

Since its inception in 2001, The Rite Aid Foundation has awarded more than $17 million to nonprofit organizations, and Rite Aid has partnered with its customers to raise and donate $65 million to Children's Miracle Network Hospitals across the country.

Rite Aid Corporation (NYSE: RAD) is one of the nation's leading drugstore chains with nearly 4,600 stores in 31 states and the District of Columbia and fiscal 2014 annual revenues of $25.5 billion. Information about Rite Aid, including corporate background and press releases, is available through the company's website at


The Rite Aid Foundation's inaugural KidCents charities include:


Autism Spectrum Counseling Center Incorporated

Cullman Caring for Kids

The Child Advocacy Center

YouthServe, Inc.


Alliance for Children's Rights

Bay Area Crisis Nursery

Children: Our Ultimate Investment

Children Today

Children's Crisis Center of Stanislaus County, Inc.

Children's Fund

Children's Receiving Home of Sacramento

Children's Services Auxiliary of Ventura County

Coastal Kids Home Care

Emilio Nares Foundation

Exceptional Parents Unlimited, Inc. (EPU Children's Center)

Find the Children

Free Arts for Abused Children

Happy Trails Children's Foundation

Healthier Kids Foundation

Home Start Inc.

Jack's Helping Hand, Inc.


M.A.R.E. Riding Center


Miracle Babies


Orange County Child Abuse Prevention Center

Project Hope Alliance

Rosie's Garage

Speech and Language Development Center

T.H.E. Center, Inc.

The Carolyn E. Wylie Center for Children, Youth & Families

The Children's Center of Antelope Valley

Youth Violence Prevention Council


Children's Outreach Project


Covenant to Care for Children


'r Kids, Inc.


Children & Families First


Atlanta Children's Shelter, Inc.

Challenged Child & Friends, Inc.

H.E.R.O. for Children

Murphy-Harpst Children's Centers

SafePath Children's Advocacy Center

Savannah Speech and Hearing Center

The Children's Advocacy Center of Lowndes County, Inc.


Central Kentucky Riding for Hope

Home of the Innocents

Hope's Place

The Backpack Club

The Center for Courageous Kids


The Emerge Center

Youth Empowerment Project


Camp Sunshine at Sebago Lake Inc.

Mahoosuc Kids Association

Spruce Run


Baltimore Child Abuse Center

Believe in Tomorrow Children's Foundation

Charles County Children's Aid Society

KEEN Greater DC

Kennedy Krieger Institute



Children's Cove

DCF Kids Fund

DIAL/SELF Youth & Community Services

House of Possibilities

The Home for Little Wanderers

The New England Center for Children


CARE House of Oakland County

Child Abuse Council of Muskegon County

Child & Family Services of Northwestern Michigan Ele's Place

Ennis Center for Children

Kids' Food Basket

Macomb County Rotating Emergency Shelter Team

The Children's Center

Washtenaw Area Council for Children

Whaley Children's Center

Youth Development Commission


Mississippi Children's Home Services

North Carolina

American Children's Home

Eliada Homes, Inc.

Elon Homes and Schools for Children

Lucy Daniels Center


The Little Willie Center

Thompson Child & Family Focus

Voices Together

Wilmington Health Access for Teens

New Hampshire

Dover Children's Home

Nashua Children's Home

Spaulding Youth Center Foundation

New Jersey

Anchor House

Circle of Care for Families and Children of Passaic County, Inc.

Community Treatment Solutions

Deirdre's House

Good Grief

Miracle for Mateo

Oasis - A Haven for Women and Children

Ocean of Love, Inc.

Saint Peter's Orphanage

Summit Speech School

The Alcove Center for Grieving Children & Families

The Children's Home Society of New Jersey

Wynona's House

New York

Association to Benefit Children

Astor Services for Children & Families

Berkshire Farm Center & Services for Youth

Brooklyn Autism Center

Center for Disability Services

Children's Aid Society Bronx Family Center

Children's Brain Tumor Foundation

Compass House

Covenant House New York

Cradle Beach

Double H Ranch

Elmcrest Children's Center

Feel Better Kids, Inc.

Guild for Exceptional Children

Hillside Children's Center

Hunts Point Alliance for Children

Kids Oneida Inc.

Kids Place A Place for Kids to Be II, Inc.

Learning Leaders

McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Center

Nicholas Center for Autism

Partnership for After School Education

Pathways, Inc.

Renaissance Youth Center

Rochester Childfirst Network

Safe Inc., of Schenectady

St. Mary's Healthcare System for Children

Summit Educational Resources

The Autism Council of Rochester

The Child Center of NY

The Children's Aid Society

Timothy Hill Children's Ranch


Canton Ex-Newsboys Association

Cleveland Sight Center

Family and Child Abuse Prevention Center

Feed Lucas County Children, Inc.

For Love of Children

Inspiring Minds

Millcreek Children's Center

Raemelton Therapeutic Equestrian Center

Youth Challenge


Children's Cancer Association

KIDS Center

SouthSide Youth Outreach


Camelot for Children, Inc.

Caring Place

Child to Family Connections

Children's Crisis Treatment Center

Children's Service Center of Wyoming Valley Inc.

Cora Services

Delaware Valley Children's Charity

Dragonfly Forest

Dreams Go On

Family Services of Western Pennsylvania

Family Support of Central PA

Feel the Warmth

Grady's Decision

HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy

Homeless Children's Education Fund

Jeremiah's Place

Leg Up Farm

Mighty Writers

NorthEast Treatment Center

Northeastern Child Care Services

Philadelphia Children's Foundation

So Love Autistic Center

The Center for Grieving Children

The Children's Home of Reading

The Children's Institute of Pittsburgh

Rhode Island

Children's Friend and Service

The Matty Fund

South Carolina

Epworth Children's Home

Pendleton Place for Children and Families

The Dee Norton Lowcountry Children's Center


Chattanooga Autism Center

Mur-Ci Homes, Inc.

Y-Mot, Inc.


Foundation for Children and Youth with Diabetes


New England Kurn Hattin Homes

Spectrum Youth & Family Services


Children's Advocacy Center of Bristol/Washington County VA Inc.

Edmarc Hospice for Children

EQUI-KIDS Therapeutic Riding Program

Henry & William Evans Home for Children Inc.

Homestretch Inc.

Matthew's Haven, Inc.

Noah's Children

Safe Harbor Child Advocacy Center

Youth for Tomorrow


A Gift for Special Children

Burned Children Recovery Foundation



Reliable Enterprises

Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery

West Virginia

Childhood Language Center

Children's Home Society of West Virginia

Crittenton Services, Inc.

Disability Action Center Inc.



Ashley Flower 717-975-5718

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