
RAGBRAI 2018 Day 5: Tune Ups and Telepharmacy

Stay tuned all week to watch our Editor in Chief's RAGBRAI ride with the Iowa Pharmacy Association.

Thanks so much to @IowaPharmacyIPA for inviting us to ride along with their team for @RAGBRAI this year - CEO Kate Gainer joined us for day 5 @IPA_Kate #PTridesRAGBRAI #RollinRx

— Pharmacy Times (@Pharmacy_Times) July 26, 2018

Preparing for a 100-mile ride in a day, #RollinRx cyclist Mark Sorenson, pharmacy manager at Children’s at University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, repairs a bicycle.

It was really cool to visit the NuCara pharmacy in State Center, Iowa. Specializing in community pharmacy and compounding, this is one of Iowa's telepharmacies. While the head technician, Dane Nealson, wasn’t in, the cycling team met the pharmacy staff, and spoke with Diane Miller, RPh (‘90 Drake College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences [CPHS] graduate) in Marshalltown.

The team cools off with a bite of Iowa sweet corn.

What an amazing night for the #RollinRx team to rest and recharge with Julie (‘90 Drake CPHS) & RJ McCarey in Newton, Iowa. While we didn’t stop at the local harmacy in town, great stories were shared with these hosts.

Riders on the RAGBRAI route use all sorts of cycling transportation, including a classic 2-wheeler.

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