Pet Peeves (June 2015)

Pharmacy TimesJune 2015 Women's Health
Volume 81
Issue 6

Read about disrespectful patients, foil pokers, and other pet peeves.

Being Disrespected for Looking Young.

I hate it when patients want to speak to the “pharmacist on duty” as I’m ringing up their meds. When I tell them I’m a pharmacist, they say I look way too young to be one and ask how many years of experience I have and what school I graduated from. I want to reply, “Just take your meds, let me counsel you if it’s a new med, and let me help the next person in line.”

Foil Pokers.

When someone pokes a stock bottle open without removing the foil.

What’s Up, Doc?

When PhDs ask to update their profiles to “Doctor,” wanting the staff to refer to them as such.

A Bad Call.

When I’m calling a doctor’s office to clarify the dosage on a patient’s prescription, and the nurse says, “Let me call the patient to find out”!

What’s bothering you? Bossy patients, abandoned prescriptions, drive-throughs? Pharmacy Times wants to know. Send your pet peeves to We’ll add them to our ongoing published list. Share your Pet Peeves with Pharmacy Times today!

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