
In Addition to Clinical Knowledge, Professional Skills Are Essential for Modern Pharmacists

Building on business skills such as negotiating, managing employees, and providing culturally competent care is essential for modern pharmacists, said Shane Desselle, BSPharm, PhD.

Building on business skills such as negotiating, managing employees, and providing culturally competent care is essential for modern pharmacists, said Shane Desselle, BSPharm, PhD, a professor at Touro University, California College of Pharmacy, in an interview with Pharmacy Times.

Desselle writes the Tip of the Week series for pharmacists, with topics including working with upper management, handling burnout and venting in the workplace, and the importance of valuing pharmacy technicians. Although not all of these skills can be learned in textbooks, Desselle said there are many informative articles that pharmacists can learn from, and he added that real-world experience is invaluable.

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