
Food City Pharmacy Offers Seasonal Flu Vacine

Company officials have announced that Food City will once again provide the flu vaccine this immunization season.


Company officials recently announced that Food City will once again be providing the flu vaccine this immunization season.

“Food City’s immunizing pharmacists are certified to administer vaccinations in accordance with the standards set forth by the American Pharmacist Association and the Virginia and Tennessee Pharmacy Associations. Over the past eight years, Food City has offered the added convenience of a number of affordable preventative health care options, including the immunization of thousands of patients,” says Mickey Blazer, vice president of pharmacy.

Seasonal flu vaccine provides protection against the most common strains of influenza and will be available on a walk up basis at Food City immunizing pharmacies beginning September 2nd and will continue throughout flu season based on the availability of vaccine. Seasonal flu vaccine are available for a limited time —

please check with your local Food City Pharmacy for availability


Food City Pharmacy will be following the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines. While all individuals are encouraged to receive a flu shot, the CDC classifies the following individuals as High Risk for Influenza: persons 65 or older, residents of long-term care facilities, persons 2-64 years of age with co-morbid (more than one disease) conditions, pregnant women, healthcare personnel who provide direct patient care or household contacts and out-of-home caregivers of children under 6 months of age. The CDC strongly recommends that the High Risk individuals receive a flu shot. Food City Pharmacists can immunize individuals 14 years and older without a prescription.

The flu shots will be administered for $21 for Food City Prescription Discount Club members and $27 for non-club members. High Dose flu vaccine will also be available upon request (generally recommended for patients 65 years of age or older) for $40 for discount club members and $50 for non-members. We accept most insurance plans — some limitations may apply, please check with your local Food City Pharmacy for specific information about your plan. Pneumonia shots will also be available for $75 for discount club members and $85 for non-members. Flu season is generally from mid-November through April.

“Food City takes pride in serving our community and we’re proud to once again offer our loyal customers the added convenience of flu vaccinations,” commented Steve Smith, Food City president and chief executive officer.

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