
Pharmacists Held in High Regard, Survey Says--November 2008

As a trusted and reliable health care professional, pharmacists can help improve health care in the communities they serve.

Community pharmacies and the preventive services they can offer may be an effective strategy for helping to fix the health care crisis. In fact, health care was one of the top 5 concerns for voters as they cast their ballot on Tuesday. Now President-Elect Barack Obamawill have to implement his health care reforms.

A survey of 800 voters nationwide, released by the Coalition for Community Pharmacy Action (CCPA), views pharmacists as a key link in the health care delivery system. CCPA is comprised of the National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) and the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA). The survey found:

  • Pharmacists to be “vital” to overall health care, and regard them highly in terms of dependability and accessibility.
  • 92% of the respondents agree that pharmacists are accessible and helpful with information about prescription medication and other health issues.
  • 79% of the respondents would like to take advantage of the expertise of pharmacists in how to take their medications properly, and to help prevent possible drug interactions, also known as medication therapy management.

“Community pharmacy has long been committed to articulating the value of pharmacists,” said NACDS President and Chief Executive Officer Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE, and NCPA Chief Executive Officer and Executive Vice President Bruce Roberts, RPh. “Now with the current economic situation, that value is even greater as pharmacists can help patients manage their health, and take their prescription medications appropriately to avoid increased health care costs during these challenging financial times.”

For other articles in this issue, see:

CDC Reports Dramatic Increase in Diabetes Cases

Price, Value Key in OTC Medication

Personalized Medicine: Tailoring Drug Therapy to Genes

Avandia Comes Under Fire, GSK Responds

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