
Survey Reveals Top 10 Issues Facing Pharmacists

In its annual roundup of the year’s most popular continuing education (CE) lessons, the Pharmacy Times Office of Continuing Professional Education identified the top 10 issues facing pharmacists in 2010. The findings offer up-to-date insight into the professional concerns pharmacists have in today's rapidly changing health care environment.

Medication safety was paramount this year, with “10 Strategies to Reduce Medication Errors” topping the list for the 2nd year running. “New Drugs of 2009” ranked 2nd, indicating pharmacists’ strong desire to keep up with the pace of pharmaceutical development. “Diabetes Management: the Role of the Pharmacist” ranked 3rd—a promising sign that the pharmacist’s clinical role continues to expand.

Also ranked highly were topics related to products and treatment, such as skin care and dry eye, as well as professional issues, such as drug disposal and professional liability. Below is the complete top 10 list, which was compiled using participation data:

1. 10 Strategies to Reduce Medication Errors

2. New Drugs of 2009

3. Diabetes Management: The Role of the Pharmacist

4. Contemporary Options for the Management of Scars

5. Update on Drug Interactions with Grapefruit Juice: An Evidence-Based Review

6. Waste Not, Want Not: Drug Disposal and the Role of the Pharmacist

7. A Pound of Cure: Prevention of Ischemic Stroke in Atrial Fibrillation

8. Clinical Review of Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia

9. Legal and Practical Aspects of the Professional's Apology

10. Treatment of Dry Eye

To keep up with Pharmacy Times’ growing catalog of continuing education courses and earn free credits, visit

For other articles in this issue, see:

  • Can Positive Thinking Yield Rx-Worthy Benefits?
  • The Best of 2010 in Pharmacy Times
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