Edge Detection Might Help Explain Range in Quality of Life for Patients With Advanced Cases

Pharmacy TimesMay 2020
Volume 90
Issue 5

Patients with this severe condition seem to experience significant differences in quality of life despite having similar visual fields

SCIENTISTS HAVE UNCOVERED a new strategy for determining visual function in patients with low vision and advanced glaucoma.

Patients with this severe condition seem to experience significant differences in quality of life despite having similar visual fields, said corresponding author Chan Kee Park, MD, PhD, of the Catholic University of Korea’s Seoul St Mary’s Hospital. The investigators sought to find the reason for the variation.

The team recruited 44 patients, and after exclusions, 73 eyes were included in the study. The team looked for correlations between low-vision quality-of-life scores (LVQOL) and visual function parameters. When it came to far-off activities, both visual acuity and pattern edge band scores correlated with LVQOL. However, for “near” activities, only visual acuity was a predictor of LVQOL.

The investigators repeated the test with the 22 patients who had a decimal visual acuity of 0.1 or less. Once again, visual acuity and pattern edge band correlated with LVQOL. However, when these patients were scored for distant activity, only pattern edge band and not visual field status correlated with LVQOL.

Among the study’s limitations: Participants’ socioeconomic status was not recorded, even though this might affect quality of life. The authors also noted the need for more research to ensure that the results are replicable.

A version of this article was originally published in The American Journal of Managed Care®, our sister publication.


Jeon SJ, Jung Y, Jung CS, et al. Visual function evaluation for low vision patients with advanced glaucoma. Medicine. 2020;99(7):(e19149). doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000019149

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