Pharmacy Careers
Volume 0

Dr. Tom O'Connor is the pharmacy student clerkship coordinator at the Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia, Pa. He has taught clinical pharmacy and pharmacy management at 3 different schools of pharmacy and serves as the career counselor on the Pharmacy TimesWeb site.

  • Keep copies of your old pharmacy exams, and use them as a refresher course.
  • Do not cram for pharmacy exams.You will quickly forget most of what was crammed.
  • Be sure to obtain and review a board study guide so that you will know what toexpect.
  • Go to a board review session. They are usually conducted by your school or a privateeducation company. Ask your advisor for dates and times.
  • Pay particular attention to studying and reviewing pharmacy law. For many, this is themost challenging part of the boards.
  • Take practice exams.You can find themon the National Board of Pharmacy?sWeb site.
  • Get a good night?s sleep before youtake your boards. Forget an ?all-nightcram session.? There is just too much toreview and you have been preparing for the last 4 years.
  • Relax the day before the boards and do whatever you do to reducestress?read, listen to music, exercise, or meditate...whatever worksfor you.
  • As you take the boards, stay focused and do not worry about missinga few questions.You do not need an ?A,? just a passing score.
  • Remember that the vast majority of graduates pass the boards on theirfirst try. If you have taken your pharmacy studies seriously, you shouldhave no problem.

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