Back-to-School Season Is Here

Pharmacy TimesAugust 2024
Volume 90
Issue 8

August has arrived, and with it comes the hectic back-to-school season. As parents are rushing to find the perfect box of crayons and this year’s trendiest backpack, they will also be seeking the routine immunizations and exams that will help set their children up for a healthy school year.

Pupils running through school corridor - Image credit: LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS |


Pharmacists can play a vital role in reminding parents why these appointments are important and providing services such as immunizations. Pharmacists may encounter parents who are concerned about vaccinating their child, and knowing how to educate and reassure them is crucial.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, clinicians must first listen to and acknowledge parents’ concerns.1 Most parents want what is best for their child, and a recommendation from a trusted professional can go a long way in helping them decide to get their child vaccinated. Identifying vaccine myths and providing comprehensive, accurate information are crucial when caring for patients of all ages, and perhaps especially when shared with parents looking to keep their child as healthy as possible.

In this issue, author Mechelle Renee Akers, PharmD, RPh, CPh, writes about addressing vaccine hesitancy and understanding the common concerns many patients—and parents—have. Various frameworks can help pharmacists have these difficult conversations, although Akers emphasizes that the strongest tools pharmacists’ have are their recommendations as trusted professionals.

Another feature article in this issue, written by Kathleen Kenny, PharmD, RPh, reviews all of the wellness visits parents should schedule for their children before the school year begins, including psychosocial screenings, vision checkups, and annual physicals. Kenny also discusses the importance of nutrition, selecting a backpack, and other details that parents may forget.

Dental visits are an example of the routine appointments that can be easy to forget in the chaos of the back-to-school season. In the OTC Focus article, Yvette C. Terrie, BSPharm, RPh, discusses the links between good oral hygiene and general health. Recent clinical data have linked conditions such as gum disease and stroke, highlighting the role of oral health and the rest of the body. Not only can pharmacists remind patients to schedule routine dental cleanings, but they can be instrumental in helping patients select OTC products such as toothpaste and mouthwash.

As always, thank you for reading Pharmacy Times.

1. Talking with vaccine hesitant parents. American Academy of Pediatrics. Updated February 26, 2024. Accessed July 17, 2024.
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