Student Career Resources: Pharmacy Associations

Pharmacy CareersPharmacy Careers Spring 2011

American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP)

This professional and scientific society provides leadership, education, advocacy, and resources for clinical pharmacists to achieve excellence in practice and research. The membership consists of practitioners, scientists, educators, administrators, students, residents, fellows, and others working in clinical pharmacy and patient pharmacotherapy. Student resources include a National StuNet Advisory Committee, curriculum vitae review services, and a student newsletter featuring career advancement tools as well as the latest ACCP programs and initiatives. The ACCP Clinical Pharmacy Compass is a Web-based resource that provides information on the variety of career paths available to clinical pharmacists, plus residency and post-graduate training opportunities.

American Pharmacists Association (APhA)

APhA Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) has more than 30,000 student members from 113 pharmacy schools across the country. APhA-ASP members are provided with weekly e-mail updates and access to the organization’s respected publications. Members can also attend regional meetings to gain valuable networking opportunities. The APhA Summer Leadership Institute provides opportunities for chapter leaders both to learn and to represent their school. APhA’s Career Center can help students prepare for their NAPLEX exam and look for job openings in pharmacy. APhA’s New Practitioner Network assists individuals who are transitioning from student to pharmacist, and offers a reduced membership fee for up to 3 years after graduation.

American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP)

ASHP represents pharmacists who practice in hospitals, health management organizations, long-term care facilities, home health care, and other health care systems. ASHP offers a Pharmacy Student Forum to help students who seek a residency or career in hospitals or health systems. The New Practitioners Forum provides pharmacists with information about residencies, volunteer work, career services, and networking. Membership is automatic for the first 5 years of practice. ASHP also recognizes outstanding new practitioners and students with awards for service and leadership.

National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS)

The goal of NACDS is to advance the interests and objectives of the chain community pharmacy industry. NACDS supports pharmacy students through internships, residencies, resources, and scholarships. NACDS sponsors the Pharmacy Student Scholarship and Partners Scholarship programs for student pharmacists. The Rx Career Center allows student pharmacists to search for a community pharmacy position by state. NACDS is also actively involved in student advocacy (see page 20). Additionally, valuable recruitment resources are available through NACDS, such as the Pharmacy Career/Interview Days conducted at schools of pharmacy nationally each year.

National Comunity Pharmacists Association (NCPA)

NCPA has an active student program that provides valuable information about independent pharmacy ownership and advocacy. Students can learn the fundamentals of independent pharmacy ownership on NCPA’s Web site. In addition, the NCPA Foundation supports students with scholarships and low-interest loans. Students can develop their plans for pharmacy ownership through the annual Good Neighbor Pharmacy NCPA Pruitt-Schutte Business Plan Competition. NCPA offers internship and residency opportunities within the organization, and the Student Executive Committee offers leadership opportunities.

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