

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Pharmacy Technology Products

PASS Rx: New Drug Verification System

Centice Corp (Morrisville, NC) recentlylaunched PASS Rx. The productemploys patented sensor technologiesto generate a unique spectral fingerprintand image data of the size, color, andshape of the drug. This information iscompared with Centice's proprietarydatabase for an objective and reliableverification, therefore improving theaccuracy of the dispensed pharmaceutical.Furthermore, PASS Rx verifiesthe drug and strength of the dispensedpharmaceutical through the capped vialin an average of 6 seconds, which fitsseamlessly into the pharmacy's workflow.PASS Rx also offers a compactand easy-to-use system that enhancesboth the fulfillment and final verificationprocess, thus improving both qualityand productivity in pharmacy operations.For more information, visit

Med-eXpert Solutions Improve Patient Adherence

InforMedix Holdings Inc andAudiopoint (both of Rockville, MD)recently joined forces to provideadvanced voice-enabled communications,automatic speech recognition,and medication compliance and persistenceinformation services in real time.InforMedix's Med-eXpert and MedePhonesystems provide real-time, customizable,actionable information aboutthe medication adherence and healthstatus of chronically ill patients using anycellular or home telephone service. Thejoint technology combines Audiopoint'svoice portal with InforMedix's intelligentsystem to link patient data withindividuals administering care. Two portableappliances are used by patients tofollow their medication and care plansand to record and transmit medicationadherence and health status informationto the Med-eXpert System. TheMed-eMonitor is a portable, interactivesmart pillbox, which stores and/or managesup to 25 medications, while trackingpatients' adherence to their medicationsand care plans. The Med-ePhoneprompts, monitors, and records medicationadherence and health status assessmentdelivered to patients over mobilephones and landlinesusing interactivevoice response systems. For more information,call 888-582-4480, or visit

Machine Takes Care of Medical Waste

Medical Innovations Inc's (Framingham,MA) Medical Waste Machineprovides an alternative for medical andhazardous waste. The machine convertsregulated medical waste into ordinarynonregulated waste, reduces wastecosts, improves infection control, reducesthe threat of costly ongoing liability,and is environmentally responsible. TheMedical Waste Machine works in 2 ways.The sharps are dropped directly intothe locked Teflon-lined metal container,which has a clearsafety tube at the topfor inserting the medicalwaste. When themachine's containeris filled with wasteto the indicated line,a few special hightemperatureplasticdiscs are placed inthe transporter. Another option is tohave the sharps dropped into disposablesharps containers. When the disposablecontainer's contents reach the designatedfill line, it is capped, locked, andplaced in the machine, and one indicatordisk is added. The machine is lockedand switched on. During the processingof the waste, the machine's containersare sterilized at a very high temperature.Only at this temperature will the discsmelt and encapsulate the waste. Thefinal result is nonregulated waste andcan be disposed of in the regular trashreceptacle. For more information, or call 508-358-8099.

Nexus Facilitates Interoperability

SupplyScape Corp (Woburn, MA)recently introduced Nexus—a network-based data sharing and collaborationplatform that takes advantageof the latest Web 2.0 technologies tofacilitate comprehensive interoperabilitywithin trade networks and mobilizeoperational data to the enterprise systemand business leaders that needit. The platform's capabilities includesupply chain monitoring and decisionsupport and serialization and pedigreedata repository. The supply chain monitoringand decision support improvedecision making and increase businessagility with Nexus Web 2.0-based alerts,reports, and executive dashboards. Theserialization and pedigree data repositoryleverage product and supply chainknowledge to create actionable datafor use in enterprise solutions such asSupplyScape's Product Security Suite.Visit for moreinformation.

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