

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

OTC Product Profile: Omron Elite 7300W

The Omron Women's Advanced Blood Pressure Monitor Elite 7300W, an automatic home blood pressure monitor, is designed specifically for use by women in all stages of life.

Dr. Holmberg is the pharmacy coordinator at Desert Vista Behavioral Health Center in Mesa, Arizona.

The Omron Women's AdvancedBlood Pressure Monitor Elite7300W is an automatic homeblood pressure monitor designed specificallyfor use by women in all stagesof life. Heart disease is a leading killerfor women over age 25 and results inmore than 460,000 deaths each year.Regular home blood pressure monitoringmay help to discover or monitorhypertension and/or prehypertension,thus optimizing the treatment of eachaccordingly.1

In addition to routine monitoring, theOmron Women's AdvancedBlood Pressure Monitor Elite7300W has been clinically validatedfor use in women withpreeclampsia and offers anoption to help women monitortheir blood pressure trends duringpregnancy.2,3 Uncontrolledhypertension during pregnancyposes a threat to both the motherand baby. Potential maternalcomplications include damageto the kidney, liver, or brain,and potential fetal complicationsinclude low birth weight,premature birth, and stillbirth.3

The Seventh Report of theJoint National Committee onPrevention, Detection, Evaluation, andTreatment of High Blood Pressuredefines hypertension as blood pressure≥140/90 mm Hg (130/80 mm Hg forpatients with diabetes). Prehypertensionis defined as systolic blood pressurebetween 120 and 139 mm Hg or diastolicblood pressure between 80 and 89mm Hg. Patients who are identified ashaving prehypertension require lifestylemodifications to prevent cardiovascularcomplications.4

The Omron Women's AdvancedBlood Pressure Monitor Elite7300W

The Elite 7300W automatic blood pressuremonitor is promoted specificallyfor women and is available in a slimdesign. It offers 2 cuff sizes: a standard9- to 13-inch and a large 13- to 17-inchcuff. This allows the user to select aproper fit, thus improving the accuracyof the home readings. It also featuresthe IntelliSense system, which inflatesthe cuff to its ideal level each time themonitor is used without requiring thepatient to specify an inflation level priorto each use. This creates a quickerand more comfortable reading for thepatient.5

The Elite 7300W automatically averagesup to 3 readings when taken within10 minutes and alerts the user if theaverage is above 135/85 mm Hg.1,5 Inaddition to the hypertension alert, the7300W is able to detect any irregularitiesin the heartbeat. It automatically storesup to 84 readings for the primary userand allows storage for a guest user aswell.1

The Elite 7300W has been testedper the protocols of the Associationfor the Advancement of MedicalInstruments (AAMI), the EuropeanSociety of Hypertension, and the BritishHypertension Society (BHS).2The American Heart Association(AHA) recommends that patients choosea monitor that has been approved, tested,and validated by the AAMI, the BHS,or the International Protocol for theValidation of Automated Blood PressureMeasuring Devices.6

Home Blood Pressure Monitoring:Using Good Technique

In order to obtain an accurate homeblood pressure reading, it is importantthat the patient follows good technique.The AHA recommends the following:

  • Choose a cuff that fits properlyaround the upper arm
  • Avoid nicotine, caffeine,or exercise for 30 minutesprior to the blood pressurereading
  • Sit with a straight and supportedback
  • Keep both feet flat on thefloor
  • Place the middle of the cuffdirectly over the brachialartery. Rest the arm on aflat surface, such as a tableor countertop, which allowsthe upper arm to be at heartlevel
  • Take 2 or 3 readings, eacha minute apart, and recordeach value

Obtain readings at consistent timesthroughout the day as directed by ahealth care professional. For example,some professionals may wish to seemorning and evening readings to assessblood pressure control throughout theday.6


  • Omron makes blood pressure monitoring easy for women. Omron Web site. Accessed September 2008.
  • Validation standards & testing for home blood pressure monitors. Omron Web site. Accessed September 2008.
  • Your guide to lowering blood pressure: pregnancy. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Web site. Accessed September 2008.
  • JNC 7 Express The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Web site. Accessed September 2008.
  • New women's advanced blood pressure monitor Elite 7300W. Omron Web site. Accessed September 2008.
  • Home monitoring of high blood pressure. American Heart Association Web site. Accessed September 2008.

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