pharmacy TECHNOLOGY news

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Take Care Health Clinics Implement Epocrates Software

Walgreens' Take Care Health Systemsrecently signed an agreement for EpocratesOnline Premium drug and formularysolution. The Web-based solution isnow available at Take Care Health Clinicsnationwide.

The clinics useEpocrates OnlinePremiumto checka patient's healthplan coverage,identify genericalternatives, andreference additionalclinical guidelines. System featuresinclude pill images and printable educationhandouts.

Epocrates offers a free and premiumWeb-based drug and formulary referencethat provides access to information for>3300 drugs, including adult and pediatricdosing, contraindications and cautions,and a drug interaction checker. Premiumcontent includes alternative medicinemonographs, a pill identifier tool, and medicalequations and decision support tools.

Guide Helps Pharmacies Evaluate Workflow Systems

ScriptPro's Technology EvaluationGuide Vol. 11 for Workflow Systems assistspharmacy professionals in the comparingand evaluating of Workflow Systems.

The Guide for workflow is designedwith the same purpose as the previouslyreleased Technology Evaluation Guide forRobotic Prescription Dispensing Systems.It will help the pharmacist boil down theprocess of finding the right automation. TheGuide for workflow is a workbook that presentstables outlining key questions to askduring the automation selection process.Among the benefits of adding automationto a pharmacy are improving the businessby lowering operating costs, reducingthe potential for errors, and providing timefor counseling and customer service. TheGuides for Workflow Systems and RoboticPrescription DispensingSystems distill theinformation into easy to understand sections.

Investing in automation factors include:safety, accuracy, reliability, software interface,implementation, and vendor serviceand support. With the increasing numberof automation products available, manypharmacy operators are confused aboutwhat they need and should expect fromthe automated dispensing systems andthe vendors that stand behind them.For more information, contactScriptPro at 800-606-7628, or email



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