

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0


Kirby Lester Unveils KL20

Kirby Lester (Lake Forest, IL) recentlyintroduced the KL20 pharmacycounting and verification system withimportant advances in workflow management,order tracking, and patientmedication safety. The KL20 incorporatestrue, 2-way interfacing withpharmacy management systems. Itincludes all new software, large touchscreen,and user-friendly directions.Pharmacists and technicians benefitfrom onsite control of bar-code setup,simple verification steps, and the abilityto turn workflow software features onand off. For more information, e-mail


, or call 800-641-3961.

Facts & Comparisons 4.0 Provides Timely Drug Data

Facts & Comparisons 4.0, part ofFacts & Comparsions (St Louis, MO)drug information solutions, is "YourAnswer for Drug Answers." With Facts &Comparisons 4.0, individuals can counton the most current, accurate, andactionable drug answers to clinicians criticalquestions; the most comprehensive,up-to-date and in-depth drug referencebacked by >60 years of experience; and100% independent and objective drugintelligence and facts with unequalledcomparative tables. For more information,visit and sign up for a free 30-day trial.

IntelliDOT BPA Extends Patient Safety

IntelliDOT Corp (San Diego, CA)recently received 510(k) clearancefrom the FDA for its IntelliDOT BloodProduct Administration (IntelliDOTBPA). The solution is a point-of-careTransfusion Safety Management Systemcomposed of computers, a softwareapplication, wireless handheld bar-codescanner, and wireless printers. IntelliDOTBPA assists nurses, phlebotomists, andlaboratory personnel in assuring bloodsamples are drawn from the correctpatients; assists laboratory personnelin accurate matching of blood sampleswith correct blood or blood products;and assists nursing personnel in administeringblood or blood products to thecorrect patient. visit www.intellidot.netfor more information.

InnovationRx Launches Adherence Service

InnovationRx's (Newton, MA) newcomprehensive medication adheranceservice educates and empowerspatients to take more control over theirmedication and health. Key elements ofInnovationRx service include adherenceassessment, pharmacist-staffed call center,medication reminders, care management,and extensive reporting capabilities.Furthermore, patientsreceivea personal account at the InnovationRxWeb site. Through the homepage,patients can access a full line of interactivemedication management tools aswell as access information about themedications they are taking and learnabout side effects or reactions with othermedications or food. For more information,visit

Shopper Vision Delivers Solutions

LearnSomething Inc (Tallahassee, FL)has developed a way for pharmaciststo leverage their unique and respectedrole to motivate clients to visit generalmerchandise, OTC, and product/grocerydepartments for wellness and relatedproducts. Called Shopper Vision, thetechnology delivers shopper solutionswhere clients need them—in storeaisles. Shopper Vision provides interactivedigital signage that can be situatednear the pharmacy counter. Pharmacistsand staff need only encourage clientsto take advantage of the topics availablein the Shopper Vision series thatcover many of the most common healthneeds, from skin care to joint and bonehealth. Pharmacy staff can now directa patient to a resource that displaysremedies for health and wellness whilethe patient is waiting for a prescription.Visit for moreinformation.

EnterpriseRx Available for Independent Pharmacies

McKesson Pharmacy Systems (SanFrancisco, CA), a division of McKessonCorp, recently announced the availabilityof EnterpriseRx—a pharmacy managementsystem for independent pharmacies.The system centralizes data,reporting, pricing, and drug updates, providingindependents with the operationalcontrol, visibility, and support needed tohelp reduce costs and streamline administrativetasks. The Web-based system'sinnovative features include flexible,queue-based workflow with activitiesorganized by user role, centralized databases,and real-time communication.Visit for more information.

Arizona Health Center Uses Telepharmacy

El Pueblo Health Center near Tucson,Arizona, has implemented ScriptPro's(Mission, KS) Telepharmacy. The clinicwill transmit prescription orders electronicallyto Health Center pharmacistswhere they will be screened, approved,and released back to the clinic for filling.Pharmacy technicians at the clinic willuse ScriptPro telepharmacy scanningstations to select prefilled containersand other package items and label themwith instructions for the patients. As asafety check, the technicians captureelectronic images of the pills, packages,and labels and have them reviewedby Health Center pharmacists. Everyclinic patient is counseled by a pharmacistover a video link that is integratedinto the telepharmacy system. For moreinformation, visit

Pyxis DuoStation Increases Safety, Accuracy

Cardinal Health (Dublin, OH) recentlylaunched Pyxis DuoStation. The systemallows clinicians to safely and accuratelydispense both medications and medicalsupplies from a single dispensingmachine. With the Pyxis DuoStation,nurses use unique identifiers to log ontothe system. After log-in, a screen appearsand the nurse selects a patient and seesa list of medications that have alreadybeen verified by one of the hospitalpharmacists. The system also generatesreports that can be used to help identifyand prevent potential diversion, optimizemedication and supply use, and managecosts. For more information, visit

RxHub, SureScripts Merge

The nation's retail pharmacies andleading pharmacy benefit managers arecollaborating to untie the country's 2leading health information networks.The groups have merged RxHub andSureScripts. The organizations will consolidatetheir operations, forming a single,secure, nationwide network for electronicprescriptions (e-prescriptions) and theexchange of health information. RxHub'sexpertise in patient identification anddelivering drug benefit information to thephysician at the point of care complementsSureScripts' focus on e-prescriptionsrouting from the physician's officeto the pharmacy. For more information,visit

Varolii Debuts Adherence Outreach Solution

Varolii Corp (Seattle, Washington)recently introduced the AdherenceOutreach suite. The solution is an automated,patient communications servicesfor retail, mail-order, and specialtypharmacies that addresses the fullmedication adherence lifecycle fromengagement to long-term prescriptionmanagement. The prepackaged, customizedapplication features Varolli'sSea of Names, a large database of correctlypronounced proper names andmedication nomenclature; variable, personalizedmessaging based on inputdata provided by the pharmacy givesthe ability to fine tune messages on anongoing basis; and a survey capabilitythat allows pharmacies to get insightinto medication-taking behavior. Formore information, visit, or call 800-206-2979.

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