Tanita Corporation of AmericaInc (Arlington Heights, IL) recentlylaunched a new tool to ensure thatdrugs are accurately dispensed—the1579D Mini Scale. Having the ability toquickly obtain correct measurementsof drugs and their components makesit easier for pharmacists to properlydispense drugs, placing patients' wellbeingas a top priority. The 1579D MiniScale quickly provides accurate results—as precise as 0.01 g, with a capacityof 200 g. The versatility of thescale also allows for 5 other weightmodes: ounces, troy ounces, pennyweights,carats, and grains. The lightweightscale can be powered by a lithiumbattery or AC adapter, making iteasy to weigh pills or liquids in a varietyof environments—for example,behind the pharmacy counter or workingas a medical volunteer in an impoverishedcommunity. The 1579D MiniScale features a hard carrying case,protecting it from any pressure duringtransportation. For more information,visit, or call 866-679-3343.
Vocantas Inc?s (Ottawa, Ontario)interactive voice response (IVR) systemCallAssure uses advanced computertelephony and speech technology toenable clinicians and hospitals to moreeasily monitor patients in the hope ofmitigating adverse effects that arecommon in recently discharged patients.CallAssure is a customized IVRsystem that will automatically callpatients after they have been discharged.The system can be used formany postdischarge follow-up and/ormonitoring care applications, such aschronic disease management, smokingcessation and similar programs, andsatisfaction surveys. By automatingpostdischarge telephone interviews,CallAssure makes telephone follow-upfeasible and cost-effective, resulting inreduced readmissions, emergencydepartment visits, and secondary treatmentcosts. Other benefits includeimproved quality of care, increasedpatient satisfaction through follow-upcalls and surveys, and more lives savedwith a documented, proactive approach.CallAssure can be integrated into existingtelephone systems and can eitherbe installed on-site or hosted byVocantas. For more information,
ForHealth Technologies Inc's(Daytona Beach, FL) IntelliFlowRx isan intravenous (IV) Room WorkflowManager that brings the benefits ofwork-flow automation technology tothe IV room. The system managesevery IV dose. Using IntelliFlowRx, pharmacistsand IV room technicians arebetter able to focus on patient careand safety, while hospitals save moneythrough reduction in drug waste, eliminationof disruptions to search fordoses, and improved overall IV roomefficiency. Designed with extensiveinput from hospital pharmacists, thesystem manages all doses electronicallyin real time and ensures that everydose is continuously visible, accountedfor, and traceable. IntelliFlowRx eliminateslarge quantities of work and timespent using, tracking, matching, andsearching for printed dose labels. IVdose compounding with IntelliFlowRxuses a unique combination of highlyrefined work-flow automation software,high-resolution digital photography,standard personal computers, andtouch-screen workstations integratedvia a secure back-end database. Thesystem's unique combination of highresolutionimaging and bar-code scanningverification allows work in the IVroom to be streamlined and work flowoptimized. For more information,, or call 888-434-8462.
Artromick International Inc's(Columbus, OH) eMAR technology forthe long-term care pharmacy streamlinesthe process and enacts positivechange for improved regulatory complianceand simplifies work flow inboth the pharmacy and facility to promotecost-efficient delivery of care.eMAR also enhances communicationsand order processing. Using eMAR,long-term care facilities can increaseconsultant pharmacist productivity 24hours a day, 7 days a week, withaccess to nursing facility eMAR recordsin real time from anywhere. Running ona Web-based platform, eMAR also reducesquantity and improves quality ofcommunications with nursing facilitiesthrough a significant improvement ofthe medication order and reorderprocess. For more information,, or call 800-848-6462.