Mansuy Receives Rite Aid's President's Award

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Long-time Rite Aid employee GaryMansuy, senior director of merchandising,received the prestigiousPresident's Award posthumouslyduring the company's recent annualmanagement and supplier exhibition. Aresident of Lewisberry, Pa, he passedaway on June 21, 2007, at the age of 61.

"Gary was someone we always trustedto do the right thing. He consistentlydemonstrated integrity [and] talent, andmet every performance standard," saidMary Sammons, Rite Aid chairman, president,and chief executive officer. "Hewas a person of action, not just words,and worked tirelessly with corporateplanners, regional vice presidents, storemerchandisers, and store managers toreap the best possible results."

"He was a very special man, one whocommanded respect and admiration,"continued Sammons. "His legacy lives onin the people he's worked with andthroughout the merchandising department.His 37 years of unparalleled devotion,dedication, and duty to Rite Aidmake him the perfect recipient of thePresident's Award."

The President's Award was created tohonor a Rite Aid associate who consistentlydemonstrates high standards ofperformance, talent, integrity, a positiveattitude, creativity, and the willingness tomeet challenges that arise.

A US Navy Veteran, Mansuy joined theRite Aid team in 1970 as a store managerin Hoboken, NJ. He was quickly promotedto district supervisor and thendivision manager, where he oversaw 130stores. He moved to corporate headquartersin the early 1990s and held variouspositions in operations and merchandising.Most recently, as senior director ofmerchandising, he played an integral rolein developing merchandising reset plansfor the integration of the Brooks andEckerd drugstore chains, recently acquiredby Rite Aid.

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