American Regent Inc(Shirley, NY) recentlyreceived FDA approval for2 new indications forVenofer. The product wasinitially approved for use in the treatmentof iron deficiency anemia inhemodialysis (HD) patients receivingan erythropoietin. Venofer now also isindicated for the treatment of irondeficiency anemia in peritoneal dialysis(PD) patients receiving an erythropoietinand in nondialysis chronic kidneydisease (CKD) patients receiving ornot receiving an erythropoietin. Theproduct can be administered via anintravenous push (100-mg [HD] and 200-mg [CKD] doses) or by infusion (300- and400-mg doses [PD]) depending on theindication. Venofer is available in 100-mg/5-mL single-dose vials. For moreinformation, visit, orcall 800-645-1706.