

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Acetadote (acetylcysteine) Injection

Cumberland Pharmaceuticals(Nashville,Tenn) recently receivedFDA approval for revisedlabeling for AcetadoteInjection. The product is used in an emergencyroom setting to prevent or lessenpotential liver damage resulting from anoverdose of acetaminophen, a commoningredient in many OTC painkillers.Acetadote, administered intravenouslywithin 8 to 10 hours after ingestion of apotentially hepatotoxic quantity of acetaminophen,is indicated to prevent orlessen hepatic injury. The revised packageinsert includes a dosage guide forpediatric patients who weigh <40 kg. Theloading dose (300 mg/kg) administrationalso has been extended to 60 minutes,making the total recommended treatmenttime 21 hours. Acetadote is availableas a 20% solution in 30-mL (200mg/mL) single-dose vials. For more information,visit, or call877-484-2700.

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