

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Long-term LNG/EE Use Does Not Hinder Future Ovulation


The results of a single-center, singletreatment,open-label study show thatthe long-term use of Wyeth's oral levonorgestrel(LNG) 90 μg/ethinyl estradiol(EE) 20 μg had no ill effects on theresumption of ovulation after stoppingtreatment. The study involved healthywomen aged 18 to 35 years who participatedfor ~8 months, including up to 84days of posttreatment observation forthe return of ovulation. Ovarian activitywas assessed by measuring progesteroneand other hormone levels 3 timesper week during treatment. Of the 58participants who received the treatment,37 completed the study successfully andshowed no signs of ovulation duringtreatment. After treatment was ended,all these patients resumed ovulationwithin 31 days; 7 resumed between days8 and 14. The study results were presentedat the Annual Meeting of theAmerican Society for ReproductiveMedicine on October 17, 2005.

Ms. Farley is a freelance medicalwriter based in Wakefield, RI.

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