

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Refill TeleManager

TeleManager Technologies Inc(Newark, NJ) recently introduced RefillTeleManager (RTM) in-store interactivevoice response (IVR) system. The systemcan be configured to meet the mostcomplex pharmacy requirements, includingthe support of multiple pharmacylocations from a single server, differentbusinesses within the pharmacy, centralfillapplications, and mail-order applications.Suitable for large independent,chain, hospital, clinic, and mail-orderpharmacies, RTM automates the prescriptionrefill process and allows pharmaciststo control the IVR features andlisten to voice mail right on the computerscreen. Because the system's screensare very intuitive, it takes only 30 minutesto train pharmacists and technicians touse the system. RTM's flexible point-andclickrefill scheduling interface allowspharmacists to adjust the IVR system tothe changing work conditions instantaneously.Pharmacists also have the abilityto modify the status of the refill thatwill be communicated to the patient.RTM's compliance calling feature canmake outbound calls reminding patientsto pick up their prescriptions or to informthem that their prescriptions are due fora refill. For more information, visit

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