

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Ultrasound Destroys Uterine Fibroids

According to the results of a multicenterclinical trial, a completely noninvasiveprocedure using high-intensityultrasound waves to heat anddestroy uterine fibroid tissue significantlyrelieves fibroid-related symptomsin women. The study resultswere presented at the annual meetingof the Radiological Society of NorthAmerica.

Magnetic resonance-guided, focusedultrasound surgery (MRgFUS) allowsradiologists to target fibroids withoutharming healthy surrounding tissue."This treatment immediately stopsblood flow in the fibroid tissue, whichresults in a significant, sustaineddecrease in symptoms for up to 12months,"said Fiona M. Fennessy, MD,PhD, the study's lead author andinstructor of radiology at HarvardMedical School.

Dr. Fennessy and her team studied160 women with symptomatic fibroidsat 5 different medical centers. Thewomen received pretreatment MRimaging to identify and define the targetfibroids for MRgFUS. The findingsshowed significant symptom relief at3 and 6 months, and relief was sustainedfor 12 months. No seriousadverse effects were reported.

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