

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Pass the Greens, Skip the Red Meat

According to a report in the American Journal of ClinicalNutrition (December 2005), eating more produce tends toreduce the risk of higher blood pressure (BP), whereaseating more meat raises the risk. Several previous reportshave shown similar associations, but few of them havespecifically addressed this issue in regard to youngeradult patients.

Researchers evaluated 4300 patients between 18 and 30years of age at baseline and studied the incidence of elevatedBP (either having a BP of at least 130/85 mm Hg or takinga BP-lowering agent) over 15 years. Dietary assessmentswere conducted at baseline and at 15 years into the study.

Researchers noted that, as consumption of produce rose,the risk of elevated BP dropped, in some cases from 27% to36%. The opposite was true of meat intake, whereas dairyintake seemed to have no relevant effect on overall BP.

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