

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Open the Lines of Communication!

Physicians and patientswith asthma need toimprove their communicationskills. The Global AsthmaPhysician and Patient (GAPP)survey found that 90% ofphysicians treating adultsreported responsibility forpatient education in theiroffice.Yet, 85% said that theyspend half or less of theirtime on patient education.

The preliminary findingsalso showed a difference inphysicians' and patients'views of how well patientsfollowed treatments prescribedby their physicians.Although 66% of the patientsreported compliance withtheir physician's instructions75% of the time, the physiciansestimated that just30% of their patients actuallycomplied.

The GAPP survey polled6000 physicians, adultpatients with asthma, andparents of children with thecondition in 16 countries.The findings from the internationalresearch surveywere presented recently atthe annual meeting of theAmerican College of Allergy,Asthma & Immunology.

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