ValiMed Medication Validation System

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Baxa Corp(Englewood, Colo) recentlyintroduced the ValiMed MedicationValidation System. The system offers cliniciansa simple and cost-effective toolto ensure medication safety by verifyingthat medications are correctly compounded.The product's technology identifiesthe strength to validate compoundeddoses of high-risk medications prior todispensing. The ValiMed MedicationValidation System verifies medications inseconds, providing an added level ofsafety in the medication dispensingprocess. The system also assists with thedetection of narcotic loss and identificationof counterfeit medications. In manycases, the product can assess the dilutionof a high-alert medication and validatethe range that the dose falls within.When the product's light source energizesa given medication, it produces auniformly consistent pattern of fluorescentenergy called a spectral fingerprint.The fingerprint is stored in a library of fingerprintsfor future validation. Each medicationreveals its own distinct and easilyreadable signature. By comparing the fingerprintof a tested medication againstthe signature for the medication in thedata library, the product's technology willindicate a match, presuming there is one.The ValiMed Medication ValidationSystem can also indicate the concentrationof a given medication. The testedconcentration can be validated by comparingit with the standard concentrationon file in the data library. For more information,visit

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