Throughout October, Pharmacy Times is celebrating American Pharmacists Month with our #ThankAPharmacist campaign. This video discusses one view of the value of a pharmacist.
Throughout October, Pharmacy TimesTM is celebrating American Pharmacists Month with our #ThankAPharmacist campaign. In this video, John Rubino, 2022 PharmD candidate, discusses his view of the value of a pharmacist. John is a student at Midwestern University, Chicago College of Pharmacy.
John Rubino: The pharmacist is really an educator. The value of a pharmacist is sharing information with other people and helping them out, whether it be an over-the-counter recommendation or, even if you're in a hospital, ensuring that the patient's safety is there and that nothing was overlooked by someone who doesn't spend as much time as you looking at medications.
This is a partial transcript. View the video for the full statement.