

Pharmacy Times
March 2011 Central Nervous System
Volume 77
Issue 3

Tech Product News

PharmaSmart Blood Pressure Kiosk

PharmaSmart Model PS-2000 With Connectivity Marketed by:


PharmaSmart’s newly upgraded PharmaSmart Model PS-2000 With Connectivity is an Internet-connected blood pressure kiosk that allows patient data tracking and electronic health record integration. The userfriendly station measures blood pressure within 1 minute, then transfers readings through a secure HIPAA/PIPEDA-compliant server and uploads them to a confidential online health portal. From this portal, patients can view their results, print reports, share records with health providers, and upload data to their Microsoft HealthVault account. The unit also prints patients’ readings on the spot, giving pharmacists the opportunity to provide counseling on issues related to hypertension management and prevention.

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Health Prize

HealthPrize Marketed by:

HealthPrize Technologies

HealthPrize is an online medication adherence management system that provides financial incentives to patients for taking their medications correctly. This innovative program, billed as a “one-stop solution” to compliance issues, combines interactive Web-based software with refill verification and medication tracking tools to promote patient engagement. By partnering with pharmaceutical companies, health plans, pharmacies, and employers, HealthPrize is able to offer adherent patients rewards in the form of redeemable points, as well as chances to win weekly sweepstakes and competitions. As HealthPrize expands its network of participating partners, the service will be made available for free to patients.

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Independa Smart Reminders

ndependa Smart Reminders Marketed by: Independa

Smart Reminders is a suite of customizable Web-based tools and services designed to help caregivers monitor the health and wellness of elderly family members. The system consists of 3 applications—Smart Calendar, Medication Reminders, and Life Stories—that generate a variety of alerts to be delivered to the patient via telephone. Caregivers can use the browser-based Smart Calendar to schedule important medical appointments or special events. When a caregiver enters a patient’s medications, dosage information, and times into the Medication Reminders program, both patient and caregiver receive ongoing alerts via text message, phone, and/or e-mail. Life Stories is a unique feature that gives caregivers the flexible ability to record meaningful conversations with their aging family member that can be saved and shared for posterity.

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PillStation Marketed by:


SentiCare recently announced the FDA approval of PillStation, an adherence device that uses telehealth to enable remote monitoring of a patient’s medication habits. It can accommodate complex medication regimens and has the capacity to hold 7 days of medications with multiple dosing times. Each time the internal compartment is opened and closed, PillStation takes a high resolution picture of its contents. The pictures are automatically sent to SentiCare’s advisor center, where a trained advisor reviews the patient’s medication regimen and checks that the dispenser is loaded properly. Missed doses trigger audio and visual alarms, as well as a friendly reminder call from SentiCare. A caregiver can also choose to receive regular reports from the service to ensure that their patient or family member is taking medications on schedule.

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