Technology Is Driving the Bus

Specialty Pharmacy TimesOctober 2012
Volume 3
Issue 5

In my last column, I referred to the fact that the specialty pharmacy industry was moving “at warp speed”—and that statement is underscored by this issue, which focuses on technology in specialty pharmacy. This journal is committed to giving industry thought leaders the opportunity to discuss, in detail, the very hot topics and trends that make this segment of the pharmacy space so fascinating. We launched this journal because of the urgent need to communicate the essence of what it takes to succeed in specialty pharmacy—and provide thought-provoking articles that give answers, advice, and vision.

Perusing the biographies of this issue’s expert authors, you no doubt recognize many leaders from the specialty pharmacy industry. We’re proud to provide them with the platform to move specialty pharmacy ahead with these substantive discussions. But I also want to point out that by showing you the authors’ faces, we send a clear message that it takes the hard work and dedication of actual individuals to make a difference in this industry, and bring it to the next level. Their personal commitment to the success of specialty pharmacy is evident.

Specialty pharmacy is still the fastest growing segment of the pharmaceutical industry. An area of real growth is the technology and work flow operations required to deliver complex medications to patients who cope with serious chronic diseases. The challenges of delivering these medications on time, every time, is real. The challenges of controlling costs is equally real. As it does in so many other businesses, technology drives the bus—or perhaps maps the route to take—to bring services and products to a higher level.

Within health care, the need for technology is more pressing than ever before as cost containment—and patient adherence—has become the focal point. Specialty pharmacy has perhaps embraced new ideas, new technologies, and new ways of getting things done faster than other segments of pharmacy. It may be the high cost of these specialty medications that has pushed the innovations along, but I believe it is the person who isn’t afraid to embrace technology who moves the needle for everyone else.

I invite you to delve into this special issue, and learn how technology plays a critical role in specialty pharmacy. Fittingly, we’ve added a special item to this technology issue: the Pharmacy Times AR app, which allows you the opportunity to view additional content in “augmented reality”—live! Instructions for downloading this new app appear below.

Thank you for reading!

Mike HennessyChairman/Chief Executive Officer/ President

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